Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Horizon Black IV: The Finale

Last time, on The Long Game, Alvyn, Tong, and Kalgar had infiltrated, stormed really, the gates of the secret superweapon base known as Horizon Black. The Shockrosia had been destroyed, and Kalgar's crew had fought their way through, and acquired, two new ships. The rest of Kalgar's fleet, fighting near the outskirts of the shoals, was being threatened with destruction by the giant death beam emanating from the base.

The stakes have never been higher, so let's get into it!

Dallas Kasaboski

Sunday, 11 December 2016

Horizon Black III

Welcome back to The Long Game! Last time, Alvyn, Tong, Kalgar and his small fleet had made their way to the ultra-secret base Horizon Black, the likely place of development for Aes' superweapon program. Now, the fun begins... 

Dallas Kasaboski

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Horizon Black: Part II

When last we left our heroes, Alvyn, Tong, and Kalgar had questioned the odd book of knowledge in Tong's possession. This book, created through an arcane, Aesian ritual, was able to answer any question, given at least 10 people currently alive knew the answer. 

Our heroes have been traveling for years, learning more of the threats which face the world continent of Cyfandir. Through that time, they have made many enemies, and as our party neared Horizon Black, a deep-dark over-the-top secret base purportedly the stronghold of Aes' superweapons program, Alvyn, Tong, and Kalgar knew the real test had only begun.

Dallas Kasaboski

Sunday, 23 October 2016

On the Way to Horizon Black

Welcome back to The Long Game! If you're new to the adventure, a short summary can be found here! If you're fairly familiar with our tale, you can check out the medium recap, here.

When last we left our heroes, they had just investigated the western outpost known as Deep Watch Bay. Officially, the outpost's purpose is to guard and warn the rest of the nation of Aes of the terrifying creatures coming from the deep ocean. However, our party, Alvyn, Tong, and Kalgar, learned that it was a superweapon development complex. After exploring it, finding plenty of information about superweapons, they ended up fighting one! A super-psionic security force, capable of projecting harmful illusions, guarded the outpost.

As our heroes defeated him, they learned of an even more dangerous and secret base located farther west, known as Horizon Black. Rumoured to be the main superweapon facility, our party set sail!

Dallas Kasaboski

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Deep Watch Bay: Part IV

Tong, Alvyn, and Kalgar had found Deep Watch Bay. They thought it abandoned but inside, they found illusory archers, soldiers, and structures. Moving past the illusions, and dropping to a lower level, they found a hidden floor, the base of the volcano. Will they finally get some answers, or just more questions in Deep Way Bay?

Dallas Kasaboski

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Secret Backstories and Mysterious Characters

A well-developed backstory is often a critical part of creating a role-playing character. By no means necessary, a backstory can provide a foundation, some core tenets, for your character and allows you to ground yourself in his/her motives and behaviour. It allows you to understand how that character may make decisions and evolve as the story unfolds.

We have discussed character-making before, but today I'd like to discuss a specific type of character backstory, the secret one.
Dallas Kasaboski

Friday, 23 September 2016

Deep Watch Bay: Part III

Last time, in The Long Game, Alvyn, Kalgar, and Tong had found Deep Watch Bay. Thinking it abandoned, they explored the outpost, finding stairs leading underground. There, they found a grand library of records, but before they had a chance to investigate, they were surrounded by soldiers and archers!

Who are these soldiers? How will our heroes escape? Let's continue the story!

Dallas Kasaboski

Thursday, 15 September 2016

Deep Watch Bay: Part II

When last we left our party, Kalgar, Tong, and Alvyn were on their way to Deep Watch Bay, an outpost whose official purpose was to guard against terrors of the deep ocean, but which our party suspected of being a superweapon facility. We join them now, within sight of the outpost. 
Dallas Kasaboski

Friday, 2 September 2016

The Long Game: On the Way to Deep Watch Bay

Welcome back to The Long Game! We've had a bit of a hiatus but now we're back! When last we left our adventurers, they had just faced off against a fragment of Tong's past, a fragment which came in the form of a bald, female, monk on fire who left Aes' Windle's Landing in ruin. Let's find out how our party progressed after something like that.
Dallas Kasaboski

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

The Long Game: The Windle's Landing Massacre

Alvyn, Kalgar, and Tong were on their way to Admiral Draksha, Sora's commander. Sora claimed that the admiral was interested in meeting Kalgar as she too believed there was something deeply troubling about Aes and its military developing superweapons.

The party had just defended Sora's outpost from a monstrosity created by the now-dead Iron Dragon, but their defense came at the cost of the outpost itself.

With many things weighing on them, the party set sail for the admiral.

Dallas Kasaboski